Our Story
Karen and I have been gardening since our first apartment. There wasn’t much room then, only a small patio, but we planted strawberries in the ground and a magnolia tree in a pot. That was forty-nine years ago, we still have a passion for gardening and we still have that old magnolia tree!
Our gardening continued, but we never seemed to have enough room for all our projects. So in 2012 we purchased a home on three acres of land in Lake Mathews, in Southern California near Riverside. We moved from our urban home to start our new farm, Ridgedale Orchard and Vineyard.
Satsuma Plum Blooming
In the short time we have been here, we’ve planted hundreds of fruit trees, over 20 varieties. From apricots and peaches to pomegranates and figs and some unusual types like sapotes and medlars. Along with the trees we planted berries including blackberries, boysenberries, raspberries and olallieberries, plus table and wine grapes. Our three acres have filled up fast!
Medlar Tree and Fruit